An Indian Beverage containing some kind of cured alcohol and milk. Usually drank in low income areas due to its in-expensive, yet deliciously pleasing nature.
Leys drink some damn Bung yaar!
by !Tiza Fo Shiza! November 2, 2006
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To pretend or overeact to a situation.
Trent looks to have been hurt whilst practicing martial arts, but it was just a ploy to recieve attention. Jase says to Trent "Oh dont bung it on mate".
by Dane_5 May 23, 2008
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Guy: Dude, let’s hit the Bung tonight
Guy 2: Nah, last time I got lost way up in there
by DJZA80 June 15, 2019
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slacker term for butt, rear end, behind, ass...

Popularized on MTV's Beavis and Butthead in the mid-1990's.
I need TP for my bunghole!

DO NOT make my bunghole angry!!
by nicola January 23, 2004
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Cleaning another person's asshole out with your tongue.
I just took a messy dump and Jerry gave me a good bunging cuz we was out of toilet paper. He likes bunging his cum out of my rosebud too.
by dicklicker May 23, 2003
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The proper English phrase for telling someone to put something somewhere.
Thomas: "Do you have any dirty laundry to put in the wash?"
Alex: "Yes."
Thomas: "Go on then! Bung it in!"
*Alex standing with his suitcase outside the car*
Thomas: "Go on! Bung it in!"
by al-xbitch June 28, 2017
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