BFC- Bitter Fat chick is the girl in the group of girlfriends that is never hit-on, generally she is a hefty to large girl. Because she does not get hit-on she tends to cock block all of her friends and every guy at that bar. Thus, Bitter Fat Chick
I could have seriously used a wing-man with major beer goggles last night, because this girl was awesome and as we left, the BFC cock blocked us both.
by chazbenay March 14, 2011
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Best Friend Code - When someone tells you to not tell anyone your always allowed to tell one person, your best friend, without getting in trouble.
Bonnie: "Don't tell anyone my secret, I like Kevin."
Carlos: "Oh, I won't."

15 minutes later...

Falls Under the BFC:

Carlos: "Bonnie told me she liked Kevin."
Jack (Carlos' best friend): "Oh my."
by ChelKelB.roads July 14, 2009
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I want to stick my BFC in that hot girls tight rectum.
by Andy January 1, 2004
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The largest can of any consumer drink you will ever find.
Thank you monster.
Jerry: Dude that guy just chugged a BFC and had a heart attack!

SAWyer: I believe it, their huge.
by [Garebear] February 17, 2009
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BFC, or big fucking can, is a 32oz. (1L) can of soda, normally an energy drink.
Monster Energy and Monster Energy Low-Carb both come in BFC size.
by TwelfthDoc December 15, 2011
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Whilst traveling the southwest, a tourist may come across a desolate landscape populated by only that of cacti and passer by's.

(a band of tourists emerge from a car)

Tourist 1: "Hey Billy do ya see that thingamabob out there in the distance?"

Tourist 2: "Naw Bob, huh, whatcha see out there?"

Tourist 1: "Over thar!! You see it? A BIG FUCKIN CACTUS toppling over that there car!! "

Tourist 2: "Woah bra, its not every day you see a BFC. Can't wait to tell mah pops 'bout that one"
by SLOANEthedevious June 18, 2010
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Butt Fucking County. Somewhere remote, uncharted, with little or nothing to do or see. Somewhere where one usually gets stranded.
Guy 1: What's up man, we are waiting for you!

Guy 2: Aw, man, my car's engine broke down, and I'm here lost in the middle of BFC!

Guy 1: Oh...this must suck.
by ushin March 14, 2008
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