
To eat. Coming from a "distortion" language widely used in Miami, Florida. Mostly the Hialeah/Miami Lakes region. A from spanish "Tragar."
I'm hungry, do u wanna trag something?"
by Chingon December 15, 2005
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An abbreviated version of tragic, it means very sad

Pronounced “trahj”
Oh my god your sister can’t come to the party? Trag/traj.
by Barbara_Bangkok May 13, 2022
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Whenever an asshole, named Travis, is a wanker and hits the joint like a vacuum so it runs or torches the whole bowl.
Travis, you fucking twatt, quit trag draggin that joint!
by trytosnatchit February 6, 2012
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Something that is tragic , sad or unfortunate
Vante - My girl took my hoodie and left it at her crib and it’s raining outside.
Hendrix - Damn bruh that’s trag’ I’m sorry to hear that.
by iamanthonydean May 2, 2019
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A slang term originating in New Zealand, popularized in Australia. Often used to describe a good drink, primarily alcoholic.
"This margarita is great!"
"Great? No way! It's trag!"
by australigirl2468 October 28, 2014
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Trag. Similar to the British slang “Slag”, a Trag is dumpster diving, trash eating slag. Used as an insult, or to describe the act of prostitution in a dumpster.
“Did you just see that trag poke it’s head out of the dumpster?”

“Stop being such a fucking trag, and take a shower.”

“Did you hear Dan was tragging in the alley last night?”

“If you shag with a trag, don’t forget your hazmat.”
by ProfessorHotsauce January 28, 2021
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A short version of tragic; tragedy. Some might use it as a form of sarcasm.
Emily: "I asked my Dad for a Benz but all I got was a Porsche."
Essence: "Trag"
by Hwheel March 11, 2018
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