To say the whole entire truth (only applies to Prab and Beka) without any lies.
I chup you Beka!!
by iojkbn April 22, 2011
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1. To eat ass
2. To make the sound of eating ass (onomatopoeic)
Person 1: I could hear you chupping away from my room last night

Person 2: yeah it was awesome, we did everything but sex.
by Alpha chupper December 10, 2018
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To be a really cheap. Another word for mooch.
That girl is the biggest chup I know, she wouldn't even buy a drink when we went out, but made us all share ours.
by Chuppppperson March 19, 2011
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The act of sucking penis.

chups comes from the spanish word "chupa" wich means to suck
John: "yo mike i heard some bitch gave you chups on my couch last night!"

Mike : "dont talk about your sister that way! she gives the best chups in the world! j/k but yeah that slut mary gave me chups. she had a great gag reflex"
by oilchange March 15, 2008
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A "shower" a female takes underneath the cum of her partner. Sometimes the female will even smooth shampoo or conditioner- or any other type of nomal shower product and use it in this cock shower to make it seem more legitimate. Usually followed by normal intercourse or a birmingham booty call just for the hell of it.
man: Hey want to go in the matress store and take a chup
woman: sounds good- why dont you give me a chup in the chipotle bathroom also?
man: i could dig that
woman: i hope you drank lots of pinnapple juice...
by Pulatienza!! December 24, 2009
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The sound affect for sucking a mans dick, often used in cartoon porno comics
slut: chup! chup! chup! chup!
man:oh yeah suck it bitch!! *cums*
slut:thank you for your service that'll be $100
by WEIRDO2 October 11, 2011
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A substitute for any noun or verb
Similar to the word smurf
The adjective form is either chuppy or chuppin'
In extreme cases, chup may be substituted for any foul language, or, if the speaker feels the need, any word at all.

Verb Conjugation:
Chup: used for First and second person (I, We, and you)
Chups: used for the third person (Him, Her, them, etc.)
Chupped: past tense
Chupping: Active verb tense (ex. "I am chupping")

Chup on.
"You chup that girl?"
"Yeah chup, she looks like she could chup all chup."

"You see that chup Doug drew?"
"Yeah, Rick showed it to me when I was chupping with John"
by Doug Wilson February 5, 2008
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