A replacement for pretty much every word. Especially words such as fuck and other associated type words.
Last night that asshole was being a straight up kern.
Holy kern! Are you okay?
by Lauren and Ali November 14, 2007
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Kern is both a person and an ideal. People seek kern and never find it, you must allow kern to come to you

<3 mib
I was driving around the other day and all of a sudden kern hit me so hard it hurt
by Micah February 18, 2005
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To place one's legs at a higher elevation than torso. Proceed to masturbate onto one's self's face. Also known as Kerning
Came home today to see John kerning himself right there in the living room
by Kernmyster September 27, 2021
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A word that can be and describe anything; especially refers to awesometastic asians.
by cdizzlefosho February 20, 2007
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one that burns, constantly, mainly hamburger buns and themselves.
kern chared the buns, they are pretty black!
by Kern June 5, 2003
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Kerning; Verb; To be kerning.
Kerning describes the great need that a person feels to take a dump. Its only used in extreme cases like you haven't gone in a week and you really need to bust out a hard one.
"Dude, I'm really kerning for a shit"
by Super_Famicom June 25, 2004
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One who is to be found in a cupboard, usu. making chicken noises.
by Rev. Wankcock November 6, 2003
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