Noun; Commonly a description of a person that is an acquaintance or someone you don't know very well but is truly a natural born asshole. Normally employed when speaking of someone who is more than deserving of being called a total f*#ing asshole but you won't dignify them by even using their name.
Did you hear the way that Doctor A. spoke to that nurse? Well yes, agreed she is lazy heifer, but he is just another Jack-Ass Jones!!
by FlyGirl November 14, 2013
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1 cup of absolut vodka,1 cup of jack daniels and a can of monster assult together in a pitcher.
by assrocket December 25, 2004
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to harm a friend for laughs.normaly found funny only by the person who pulled a jack ass and after words is normaly severly injured by the person who he pranked
i got a drunk the other night and mike had to go pull a jack ass and shaved my head in my sleep when i got up i beat him to a bloody pulp.

pulling a jack ass can be funny if the pulled jack ass will only effect the person for a week or so go ahead shave your friends eye brows in his sleep take pictures of u farting in his face just remember if u do somthing that will effect the person for a long period of time he'll either beat u to death or charge u with assault i've seen it happen.
by jack ass hater January 10, 2007
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A certain action that sets someone into a pissed off state. Everyone's button is different, it really depends on ones annoyances. Commonly performed by bitch ass niggas.
Vic: Don't you hate when someone sends you a text from somebody else's phone?
Joey: Yeah, that shit pushes my Jack Ass Button.
by GorillaVic21 November 7, 2008
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The Jack ass whisperer is the ultimate master of all people or things not cool!
by What. The January 14, 2014
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A hater that stays talking breakfast 24/7, A rat that if he knows what's good for him stays out of my trap.
You snitched again dog? Yous a jack in the box ass nigga; always talkin breakfast.
by never talkin dinner July 11, 2011
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