To become escalated or violently suddenly with little or no provocation.
Man! You better watch what you say about Ted’s family when you are around him. He will clock on you bigtime.
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Coming from the definition of being punched in the face and knocked out, clocked is a new stoner metaphor for when one is cooked and tired.
person 1: “fuck ive had too many cones i’m so clocked
person 2: “aha you fucking clocked cunt”
by d1ldo_swaggins5 December 25, 2020
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1. To sell drugs mostly used for Crack dealers because the work around the clock selling to fiends.

2. Checking something out. Or to eye something really hard.
1. I'm Clocking that game my nigg.

2. Son quit clockin my my shortie
by Takiyah July 19, 2008
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A highly effective means of pointing out hot members of the opposite sex (or the same sex if you slide that way) to your associates (usually in public) without drawing undue attention to oneself. It works like this: The person calling the clock is always facing 12 o'clock and so a honey off to your left is at your 9 and so on. For experienced clockers, there are added terms such as tight (close), deep (far), High (above you), and Low (below). It's important to remember not to shift around to much immediately after calling a clock, so as to avoid undue confusion and back-of-the-head slapping.
God damn it, I'm calling out a 3:30 gentleman, can I get an Amen?
by Filmchild February 25, 2004
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2)-Teacher catches student with dope.
Friend: Shame. You got clocked.
by sakjgmf February 9, 2011
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An extremely well done but greatly overplayed musical piece by the British dream rock quartet, Coldplay.
Holy shit! They just played "Clocks"! Turn the damn radio off!
by Kevin Frost April 11, 2004
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