A word to describe large, erect nipples that are noticable through a t-shirt and can poke your eye out.

Occurs when in cold weather and kinky situations or just really happy.

Jerry: Ouch!
Mr Penang: Sorry Jerry
Jerry: Watch where you swing those fandangos!
by Mers September 25, 2007
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A catchall for words that one doesn't know how to spell. Interchangeable with hobocamp.
"Um, Jerri, what does V-I-C-T-O-R-Y spell?"

"Fandango...? No, hobocamp. Hobocamp!"
by Homer April 23, 2004
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possibly the most homosexual word ever. used to describe something stupid or retarted. you would have to be the biggest bitch ass to use it.
Allen: I just bought the new Clay Aiken Album
Robert: Thats fandango dogg.

Matt: i shave my armpits.
Pat: That's pretty fandango
by bboythunda January 23, 2007
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The act of a person spilling red wine uponst thyself whilst robed in white, most commonly a white shirt.
Anon: Shaun, my dearest friend. The annual sales banquet dinner is nigh - will you do the fandango?
Shaun: Inevitably, I may indeed old boy.
by Sir Fattimus Muf July 19, 2019
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When one wears a hat on their penis.
John put a hat on his penis and shouted "Hey! Look at my fandango"
by GingerLing March 2, 2017
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A dance now being made popular in Compton by DJ Quik in his new song with B-Real of Cypress Hill called "Fandango"
"feel free to lose your mind, let ya brain go/ f*** the tango do the the fandango"
by Jefe May 5, 2005
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A mixture of party enhancing chemicals. One part MDMA and one part Ketamine. This mix was invented in the back of a van in Newcastle, November 2007 during Boss Sounds Reggae Festival. It is now a widely spread "magik mix" adopted by party attendees all over the country. The combination, once snorted through nasal cavities, amplifies the party to go faster and slower at the same time a new cutting edge drug affect known as wonky time. dig it.
1.I pure just caned a big phat line of fandango man..... whoooaaa, its all gettin a bit wonky, whoooa...
2. Go and rack us up a couple of lineskis of Fandango and I'll shove on some deep and heavy dubstep to get wonky to....yas.
by dAn.o_ September 2, 2008
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