"You can heave and strain on da wrench till Doomsday and never get a stubborn bolt loosened, but then just as soon as you ask a stronger --- and probably very busy himself --- person to come and help, DAT'S when da blasted bolt actually WILL yield, either when you give a final demonstrative yank on da wrench to show da second person how supposedly stuck da bolt is, or when he himself hauls back on da wrench and said previously-cranky bolt unscrews with little effort on his part, indicating dat your OWN last tug actually HAD cracked it free after all, and so if you had 'just given it one more go' yourself, you actually COULD have gotten da bolt out on your own, without having to interrupt your now-ears-smokingly-annoyed-at-being-needlessly-called-away colleague in da first place."
I wonder if da inventor of da impact wrench had originally felt prompted to do so due to his having frequently encountered Murphy's Law of Bolt-Loosening???
by QuacksO February 14, 2023
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A powerful well-placed individual who witnesses crimes being committed and refuses to testify because they want to write a book about those crimes later for personal profit.
John was considered a boltness when he refused to testify at the impeachment hearings.
by Johnny Donut June 17, 2020
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A hornrt which has an electric sting much like the tarantula hawk, but at four times the pain & lasts for an eternity
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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Worst Leader in the COD Community famous for being a former Owner/Leader of BoLTSnipers .
Famous for fanboying FaZe Natural or any other FaZe/Famous players
Also known as YourGlitcher
bROOOOO YOU ARE MY GLITCHER.. Calll me YourGlitcher
When is YOUR Birthday ?
BoLT Your is such a faggot
by StimesOG August 28, 2017
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Russian version of Usain Bolt. It is the person who is running away from police, because of alcohol intoxication. It is usually used as an irony.
by Creatura November 18, 2018
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While jerking off in bed, right before the player cums, they will try and run and cum in the toilet
My buddy Mark failed the Usain Bolt challenge and got jizz all over his room
by Ladysman27 February 27, 2021
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An exercise that makes you jump in the air like a light flickering.
When the big gym was open for the public in Sandy, UT Laurel came up with the exercise FLASH-BOLT! To do it you have to jump up in the air with your hands above you're head and say Flash or FLASH-BOLT . It is a s easy as 123!
by Natured2 October 4, 2009
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