A scumbag freeloader is someone who walks in your house without permission and snoops around for your snacks and drinks and takes them without asking because he thinks he's so cool with everyone he knows. Scumbag freeloaders smoke all your weed because there too cheap to buy any themselves. They are lowlife leeches and they suck all they free stuff they can off of you until your out of stuff then they move on to the next person.
For example; if I had a friend named "scum".

Scum just walked into my house & took all my food what a scumbag freeloader.

That scumbag freeloader just broke my fire pit and said it was going to happen anyways, to get himself out of paying for it.
by Scumbag ballentine😀 January 29, 2016
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A person with only self interest who uses and abuses those he comes into contact with.
Man that guy is so selfish. He is just like scumbag mike
by NY Mike September 23, 2019
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Teabagging someone after dipping your balls in poop, preferably not too solid poop.
Dave gave me a scumbag teabag today, his balls were dripping with diarrhea, delicious!
by SpunkSkunk January 6, 2018
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"Never there when you need em
Always there when you don't"

by Cyniical December 24, 2013
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When a teacher or professor waits until after the last day of school to post a bad grade.
Joey: "Mr. Thompson waited until June 13th to post the grade for my midterm. Took my final grade in the class down from a B to a C."

Steve: "Couldn't you ask for a redo or extra credit or something?"

Joey: "Not a chance. School had already been out for a week."

Steve: "Damn. Looks like you got scumbag shawed."
by losercollegekid April 5, 2019
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