A person or persons that are acting annoying or ridiculous
Larry is being a real chode lorde about this situation.
by Weaves69 August 16, 2017
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When it is so hot outside it soaks your chode.
Bring an extra pair of shorts Kyle, it's a chode soaker out there.
by Nick Housel August 17, 2017
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The type of dick that can touch all ends of a tuna can, while also smelling like your grandmother's fart.
You need to get your raunchy chode self into the shower.
by Lambchips25 March 22, 2017
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The act of quickly and violently shooting out another team in paintball, turning out with tournament markers against new kids with rentals.
Dude, we're going chode roasting at the Wednesday Night Fights after the Big Game, you down?
by g4ll4g January 12, 2011
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A 'Chode Wood' is a man who possesses a massive chode, whose girth greatly exceeds the length.
by wagglewigglewoggle April 3, 2020
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The act of;Act there of;Or The accompliment of a Chode,"If you pratice excellence", On the go or out in public.Happens when drunk horny or turnt.
Richard: Hey sally.
Sally: Yes?
Richard: Do you have a Chode on the go?
*Looks down
Sally: Yes sir I do.
Richard: Do you have something to tell us?
Sally: Uhh Nope... .

Chode on the go
by Smacking Everything February 21, 2016
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