A once-great publication which sold its soul for advertising dollars. Bad news about its sponsors now mysteriously pass without mention.

See also shill.
Man, I used to respect Sports Collectors Digest before they sold out.
by Degu September 6, 2008
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Someone who has a sick obsession with Big Mouth Billy Bass singing fish. They hoard the childish toys in their rooms or basements, and do nothing but play with them all day, Most usualy do not have friends. They are usualy diagnosed with a disease, called singingfishatitus, a malfunction of the brain causing a sexual attraction to a rubber mounted fish who singing songs. Many of these people are on youtube and this fad is very active. If you try to contact one, he or she will most likely troll you, with cuss words. There are MANY many of these people on yotube. I dont recomend contacting them.
"My singing fish loves and talks to me"

-quote from singing fish hoarder on youtube with the user name of (some letters blacked out)


Singing Fish Collector person who is deeply obsessed with them.
by Laygorian September 11, 2011
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One who ignores all other duties to above all else, defend ones own collectors, by any means possible, even at the the hands of sacraficing teammates.
7thCulthero: Uh, soul, a little help?
Soulblighter101: I can't, im guarding my collectors.
by ono December 4, 2002
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"Injustice Collector" Feminists see Injustice in absolutely everything about daily life---from the random architecture of buildings to the universal office temperature settings of Air-conditioning to "how overt masculinity dominates Australia's relationship with water."

Hence why Feminists constantly project their "Injustice Collection" onto anyone who disagrees with their Dogma or why Feminists accuse non-Feminist Women of internalized misogyny or "Pick Me," by projecting their own internal "Injustice Collector."
Men never wanted to date Jessica because of her twisted Injustice Collector Feminist Ideology and her raging, unbalanced opinions.
by Nannette LaRee Hernandez May 18, 2021
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the ultimate name for the vagina, which is meant to collect precious gnad nectar
I cant wait to pollinate that beautiful nectar collector
by mechanix101 April 6, 2016
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A male of any race who has a fetish for black females. He usually claims to love black women unconditionally, yet he shows no regard for the feelings of the black females he is involved with. He tends to have trouble committing to any one particular black woman. He tends to group all black females together, has trouble seeing them as individuals and is prone to cheating on one black female with another black female.
Jake is such a black woman collector, he has dated four black women in the last three weeks and has not committed to a single one of them.
by Juneteenth88 December 10, 2010
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a fine gentleman interested in the historic preservation of artifacts benefitting the survival of the species
Chad was a certified used condom collector, with over 500 items registered to his name
by D Flawless November 12, 2021
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