The most ridiculously funny movie ever made. You know its stupid when people start dying in a freak gasoline fight accident on a trip to get orange mocha frappaccinos, but stupid in the best possible way imaginable.
I think I got the black lung pop!

Blue Steel, Ferrari, Le Tigre, theyre all the same face. Doesnt anyone else notice this, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here! I INVENTED THE PIANO KEY NECKTIE! I INVENTED IT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE DEREK?
by transatlanticism October 11, 2004
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By far the greatest movie ever made! if there is anyone out there that disagrees they are obviouly mentaly retarted, that or they are one of thoes people who puts down every movie because they are gay!
“If I have a day off I’ll spend four to nine hours in front of the mirror, trying just a tilt of the head or a furrow of my eyelash. I mean my body, my face are my tools.”
“To me it’s all about working hard, having fun, and...then like, working really hard some more... but then having some more fun...”
“This phone is my lifeline. It’s as much a part of me as my blood, or my spleen or my toes.”
-Derek Zoolander
by steven August 18, 2004
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Only the most hillairious movie ever. OMFG!!!! So funny!! If you don't like it, your too serious!! Just RELAX and watch it for pure entertainment! :)
"So I became...bulemic"
"You can read minds?"
by Blue Steel January 1, 2005
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One of the best movies ever, if not the best.
Have you seen that new movie? It's so Zoolander.
by Clean Freak November 2, 2003
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when people die in a freak gasoline fight accident on a trip to get orange mocha frappaccinos
Shit, we were on our way to get orange mocha frappaccinos but we blewup instead. We were totally Zoolandered.
by Rick James IV May 1, 2015
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BEST MOVIE EVER. If you dont think so you are most likely retarted, and I dont like you.
A: "That girl just said she hates Zoolander".
B: "Stupid Bitch".
by smart sob February 7, 2006
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