n. A class of space vessel designed to be used only for great justice, and only when you know what you doing. The only known countermeasure for all your base are belong to us. Move zig must be used to ensure effectivness.
take off every zig. you know what you doing. Move zig move zig move zig.
by Mike Book June 5, 2005
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the ship used on the game Zero Wing to fly through space and kick some ass.
by Matt January 28, 2004
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v. When a super flake hits you up to hang and you fall for it every time.
Have you talked to steve?
Yeah.. we're supposed to hang out tonight but I'll probably get zigged again.
by Juju Guru December 17, 2017
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The spaceship that one assumed control of in zero-wing. Moved for great justice and phine pussy.
by Gumba Gumba February 25, 2004
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When a person is unaware that they are showing their true thoughts, feelings or emotions on their face, revealing to everyone around them their actual opinion on the matter. This often occurs in situations where the person's facial expression creates an awkward moment for the person/persons around them.
Friend: "Yo i can tell you were not impressed with her outfit."

Zigger: "Oh Crap! Was i zigging again. I bet everyone in the room knows what i was thinking now."
by G-More87 November 3, 2011
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A special class of space vessel that obviously failed. It was designed to defend all of our bases against Cats, and only for great justice, but, since Cats took all of our bases, all space vessels of type Zig are obviously obsolete.
by =Captain= March 31, 2009
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