The act of "releasing the Kraken" on someone's white macbook keyboard and then closing in the chocolate filling.
Nick, if you keep talking smack about windows 7 i'm going to turn your macbook into an Uh-Oh Oreo!
by LuckyStriker July 18, 2010
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A person who is white, that wants to be black.

Named after the new type of Oreos, which are white on the outside, and have a black cream filling.
Uh Oh Oreo : Yo wassup dawg?! You check oout 50 Cent's new album? It's hot!

Me : Shut the fuck up you goddamn Uh Oh Oreo!
by Hammerlock April 20, 2004
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Come from the uh oh oreo cookies. A white cookie on the outside and black filling in the inside. People relate this to others. A white person who tries to act black.
"Why does that white guy have earings, "bling", and wears his pants low?"
"oh dont worry he's just an uh oh oreo."
by MollyandPatches March 16, 2009
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a person who acts black but there really white...theyre usually pretty funny...mara...taylor...wes
wes:oh shiznit homes
tj:man u such a white boi
by aight peace May 5, 2004
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2 main things....

1) a white person who is trying to act black
AKA- black on the inside but white on the outside
2)a yummy delicious cookie where they switch it..there is a white cookie and black cream inside.(normally it is black cookie and white frosting but...)
1) Me: why do u wanna be an UH-OH OREO???u look like a complete idiot!?!?!??!
Boy: yo yo yo it is cool though
Me: wow.....

2)Me: gosh i sure do love oreos!!!
Some random guy: i like uh oh Oreos better
Me: what are those
guy: ?????
Me: well...
Guy: white cookie on the outside and black frosting on the inside...YUM!
by lexiilove April 25, 2007
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can be used as a term for a threesome, in which two particpants are white, and one is black. It is modelled off of the appearance of the cookie
we should get together and "make" an uh-oh oreo
by mehjgcghjkv October 4, 2006
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When a Caucasian, or generally light-skinned person, accidentally defecates themselves. The resulting aftermath resembles an Uh-Oh Oreo(white sandwich cookies with chocolate creme filling) Their ass-cheeks are the white cookies, and the shit is the chocolate filling.
Matt: Dude, are you okay?

Scott: No, I think I just made an uh-oh oreo. Why did I wear khakis today?!

by Squint75 June 30, 2010
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