When your girl bites your ass so hard it’s starts bleeding
Dude, my girl just gave me the hippo and it felt soooo nice
by Hippq January 23, 2021
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No way I'm taking home that hippo. She reeks of patchouli and probably hasn't shaved her bush since the 90s.
by Almanaseer January 21, 2008
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When you are in a hot spring and drop dong and float around on your stomach with only your head and your butt showing above the water.
Look at that wook over there hippoing in that pool! He's got flawless form.
by the_jamin_rock November 6, 2017
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A really epic guy who can paddle like a mother fucker and make you the happiest person ever....a hippo's advice is the most valid advice someone could recieve. Someone that doesnt realize how good of a person he is. Doesnt realize how many people look up to him, and would do anything for him. A best friend, an older brother, life-long friend.
Danny is a hippo!
by Monkey girls January 24, 2009
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hippo is a nickname you give someone who is a complete hypocrite. they preech to you about something so uncool so intensly, and do that exact uncool thing. this nick works even better if they're starting to grow a double chin
by SpotMaster April 12, 2007
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Another word for hypocrite, as in some douchebong saying for example "You're bothering someone so why do you keep bothering them?" And they end up doing that like 5 seconds later.
Twathead 1: -Plucks someone in the head over and over.
Someone: "Quit it!" D:
Hippo: "Stop hitting that guy!" -While plucking someone else over and over.
by Nobu_Michi June 18, 2010
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Hot In Profile Picture Only

When a girl or boy seems attractive in their default profile picture (Myspace, Facebook, etc) but further investigation proves otherwise.
1. Whoa, I thought she was bangin, but she was a HIPPO.
Dude, those HIPPOs be mad tricky.

2. Do you think she's a HIPPO?
Check her other pics man!
I can't, they're blocked!
by Cascade117 December 14, 2010
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