Allthough it usually means "The fuck" ( shortened version of WTF ), It can be used as an abbreviation for the game Team Fortress 2, or used as an abbreviation for the fetish Transformation
Ex 1:
Guy: "I dropped my bag of condoms that I carry with me 24/7"
Other guy: "TF perma-virgin"

Ex 2:

Another Guy: "Wana play TF with me?"
Yet another fucking guy: "Yeah, sure"

Ex 3:

Kinky mf: "I have a TF fetish"
Anti kinker: "TARGET ACQUIRED"
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Tf simply means The Fuck. Short for WTF
Lex: Tf are you looking at?!

Marrel: I'm tryna figure it out
by Lexxie732 February 1, 2014
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Tf be described in many ways but correctly means "to fuck" in some scenarios mostly at the end of a sentence
"Hey are we down tf?"
by Sophiee.simone July 26, 2020
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'the fuck' as in the last two letters of wtf
whotf is this asshole?

whytf did that kid just do that?

wheretf do you think you're going?

whentf did this asshole get here?

howtf did that shit just go down?

by Bophadeez May 25, 2010
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Short for "Transformation Fantasy" or "Transformation Fetish" or just simply "Transformation".
Some furries actually have TF fetishes.
by ISDLBZF October 27, 2018
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An internet acroynm that means 'the fuck'.
tf is that?
tf are you doing
by micke3737 July 2, 2015
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"The fuck" is a swearing word that everyone say it in games or messages
by Lololololo2222 April 14, 2020
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