Slow loading; Taking a while to buffer.
Yona Put on a movie on Netflix!

Raff Okay will do, mkayy

Yona What's taking so long?!?!?!?!

Raff Its buffering forever, it must be sloading :(
by Rafael Azari 305 November 7, 2012
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When you have limited bandwidth and your internet is slow, the page is taking long to load.
"My internet sucks, It's sloading!"
by NoSteff August 30, 2013
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A page or video loading at a exasperatingly slow rate.
Dude I got this really cool site to show you. Aw dammit this thing is sloading.
by atgtatooo October 8, 2010
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When a video on YouTube (or anything else) is loading really slowly.
Caesar: Hey, are we going to watch this video or what?
Fabio: Sorry dude, it's still sloading.
by Commodore Snarky February 8, 2011
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The point between being heavily buzzed and too full-on drunk/stoned/high to do anything, so you can't really do much but you're aware of your state. Usually associated with lazy drunks.
No, I can't go bowling tonight because I'm too sloaded to get off the couch.

I went to pick her up, but she was sloaded and would have been worthless.
by Camel Feet March 8, 2011
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An intense level of intoxication, only reached during weekends after a long week at a strict prep school, preferably a catholic high school. Not properly explained via words, this state of being can only be truly comprehended if experienced.
Priest: "So what are you boys doing this weekend, getting sloaded?"

Students: "... what does sloaded mean?"

Priest: "Its when you get so loaded, you can't say sloaded!"
by Aladdin...BITCH! November 9, 2010
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