an abbreviation for the sentence"Piss Off I'm Not Telling You"
guy1: who were you with last night
guy2: POINTY
by Jigsy March 4, 2006
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The state of having a sharper-than-normal turd knocking at the doors to come out.
Is there a restroom in this place? I'm feeling rather pointy.
by marla June 12, 2003
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actually it was used in the Simpsons when the "pointy kitty" stole "daddys key". Ralph says this when the rat takes the police master key.
That pointy kitty took daddys key
by Shortbusguy44 May 10, 2007
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A stock reply to the question of whether a woman is hot. Either the guy is being sarcastic, or he is gay.
Guy1: Dude, I would so hit Jessica Alba multiple times until she cried for mercy.
Guy2: Meh, she has pointy elbows.
by FuzzyBB July 19, 2009
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It's a regulator valve at the end of a pump that feds soy-based oils into ice cream bars at a plant.

Eh...just kidding, Pointy Tits refers to breasts that are pointy, or cone-shaped.
Oh man! Them pointy tits is off the hizzouse, and poking me in the eye.
by Inva Derbo Ots September 29, 2006
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an annoying asshole on halo, halo2, halo3, and any other halo that shall be made

also used in life terms
goddamnit i was sniped! you're such a pointy bitch
by Nick M@l35k1 March 28, 2008
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1. A person who, whilst most likely possessing above-normal intelligence, nevertheless annoys the living crap out of their friends and acquaintances due to a tendency to expound ad infinitum upon uninteresting topics, using lots of long words.
1. "Oi, that person wot wrote the definition for 'pointy-head' in, she's a bit of a bloody pointy-head, isn't she?"
by Em Johnson July 27, 2005
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