Very tired
I was very Knackered after have sex with my wife's, sisters dog.
by @snakie4dead on twitch, twitte January 20, 2022
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Very Tired
After shagging that bird, I was extremely knackerd
by Boom January 13, 2003
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to run out of energy during an endurance sporting event; to "bonk".
The rider forgot to eat before the last climb of the day and he was completely knackered half way up.
by Entheo June 28, 2009
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To break something
something that's broken
Shit, some twat just knacked the side of my car.
Shit, my cars knackered now.
by Anonymous November 5, 2003
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This word USED to mean an Irish traveler and typical scum from Ireland, nowadays it is used as a term to refer to people with a thick dublin accent, wears Burberry, Adidas, Nike, Reebok and other typical sports clothing.

It has become VERY common with youths and the thing is is that older adults still feel it means the same as what it used to. Well, it doesn't.

This word has become as popular as the english term chav, which would probably be a better choice to search for what a knacker means.
That girl is such a knacker, she keeps saying "Howya" and has an Adidas jumper on :O
by CathalRyan October 22, 2010
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