"You 3 jewbags have 10,000 dollars and won't give me a dollar" said billy
by Helloiseeu October 19, 2007
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A stupid jew....what else is there to say.
Your such a jewbag.

You suck, you freakin jewbag.

I didn't know tots could be such a jewbag.
by C-Mitch September 3, 2005
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a jew that is being really annoying and wont shutup about his sinuses infection and congestion. and his bar'mitzvah and an annoying fag.
Guy 1: Dude, gimme some chips Mr. Goldberg!
Guy 2: No, these are my fucking chips!
Guy 1: Come on, give me the chips!
Guy 2: No.
Guy 1: God, your such a fucking jewbag.
by Little Laddam Adam March 3, 2007
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A cost effective means by which to store coffee. A brown paper bag with painters tape.
When I purchased my specialty coffee it was transferred into a jewbag before I took it home.
by Docket December 13, 2019
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A derogatory term for someone who is being really cheap or selfish.
That fucking dude Mako is such a jewbag, he won't eat out unless he has a coupon. Brodie was a jewbag yesterday, he ate my lunch instead of buying his own.
by chris oak September 26, 2008
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Jim: I need a penny
Nick: No, i need it
jim: You jewbag
by mike sexman July 11, 2008
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| joo bag |
1. noun, adjective. someone who screws over another person on an extreme level.

2. verb. the action of tea-bagging a jew or someone of jewish descent.
1."Vik is a fuckin jewbag."
2. "i jewbagged that broad."
by vibe0ne January 7, 2009
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