Something that is incredibly cool and good, something that you just can't get enough of.
Keanu was so hellen' good in that movie, he rules.
by pks27 June 16, 2019
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A trash panda who litters all the time, probably living in like trångsund or something. Has a small dick, but enourmous ballz (Threesticle) Mean and short, but chill af. Always falling for some reason and likes yalla a lot.
Henry: You saw Ellen today?
Ludvig: Yeah, she was behaving like a total Hellen
by Hlut October 20, 2021
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The level of drunkenness one reaches when he/she is blacked out and is no longer able to pronunciate words in any sort of fashion. In other words the persons are blind / deaf / dumb.
Sir Tommy Pickles: Dude, check out Roxy! She's hitting on everyone, falling all over the place and I can't even understand a word she's saying.

Mo'Nasty: I know dude! She is completely "Hellen Kellered" right now.
by KingKrule January 2, 2012
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During the course of oral sex, ejaculate into the young ladies eye causing her vision to be impared, then smack her in both ears immediatly after causing her to briefly loose her hearing, and causing the sound of ringing in her ears. This will cause the illusion of the historical figure Helen keller who was Blind and Def.
Hey have you ever dated a handicapped person?
-No i have not have you?
Not quite but i gave my date the hellen keller last night!
by G-rant H December 9, 2007
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in online games, the only person on your team without a microphone.
if it wasnt for hellen keller i would of known that guy was around the corner.
by rudy pseudonym September 11, 2011
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A sexual procedure where you instert the penis into the anus and then into the vagina and then back into the anus repeatedly. The outcome is a sloppy mess and is disgusting. The term can be abbreviated as just DH.
Yea, so I gave a Dirty Hellen to this girl yesturday.

Man, that's gross why would you ever give a DH!!
by b-p December 11, 2006
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The act of giving a dirty blowjob, but not seeing the cock or hearing the loud squirts at all. Its quick, but enjoyable.
Reggie: How was the Hellen Keller?
Matt: It felt like I was going blind.
by Wiggies911 March 7, 2017
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