To play basketball. This derives from the basketball term describing bouncing the ball on the ground repeatedly.
Shizzle with mah nizzle, fo' used to dribble down in VA
Sure, with my brothers, for I used to play basketball in Virginia
by Delvan May 23, 2003
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When a male human species accidentally urinates on his clothings, visible to the public view - leaving a wet mark on the trousers, close to the genetelia/todger
Jenny: "Back from the toilet?"
Chris: "Yes, but i've fucking dribbled"
by Agent-VIP July 27, 2006
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Controlling he ball across the pitch, by keeping it close to the feet and veering it away from tackles from opposing players.
"David Beckham dribbled that argentinian instead of focussing on playing the game, consequently we lost the match and the tournement."
by Container October 12, 2003
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A nickname given to someone who talks to girls with beer dribbling down their chin and frequently talks without thinking first.
Yo Man! Did you see Dribbles get shot down at the party.
by malarga April 5, 2005
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v. When a guy or a girl places a hand on each of a girl's breasts and proceeds to dribble them like basketballs.
Christina asked me to dribble her double D's last night.
by bazookajoe May 23, 2012
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1. What the elderly do when they reach a level of senility otherwise defined as "unable to control all physical function".

2. What basketball players do when moving to avoid a travelling violation; akin to "bouncing".

3. What sloppy girls do after finishing fellatio.
1. That old guy is dribbling applesauce everywhere, and appears to think that I'm his grand-nephew.

2. Shaq is dribbling the ball all over the court.

3. That hooker is dribbling cum all over the motel room.
by Al October 27, 2003
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