What grown adults who lose arguments on the internet say other people did to them to try to make them feel bad as if they’re 11 years old.
Good game, but I still won


Dude aren’t you like 32 years old?

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 December 8, 2022
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Any form of bullying toward someone online.
Some ignorant douchebags like to claim that cyberbullying isn't real but it does in fact exist. Words do hurt and some people online are very vulnerable towards harsher insults and verbal attacks, so be careful of the types of people you meet online.
by CelticEagle February 18, 2019
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A term for bullying across the internet via IM, E-Mail, Facebook or other social network.
GIRL 1: Bea was cyberbullying Anne via formspring.

GIRL 2: Are you kidding? What did she say?
GIRL 1: She called her a slut!
GIRL 2: Well, that's legit cyberbullying. I hope Anne's okay.
by techsavvygal January 26, 2011
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Someone who can't talk shit about people to their face
Ryleigh is a CyberBully to kids
by CeceHalleck June 4, 2019
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an asshole that goes around making doctored pictures and saying it's the particular publication. They would go and harass publishers in message boards and offer pirated written works. Often disreguard the DMCA and would go as far as committing a crime called harassment by phone and harassment by wire. In other words, a writer's worst nightmare.
AngryInIllinois is the classic cyberbully, using fake domains and libious content and passes it off as fact.
by illinoishorrorman July 31, 2010
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