18 definitions by an existant of this planet

Something Urban Dictionary decided you should buy a mug of for your friends and family.
Hello grandma, here is your birthday present!

Grandma: What the fuck?

by an existant of this planet January 10, 2022
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Synonym for "Annoying"

lol, jk, but most vegans are annoying I'll tell you that. Some are pretty chill about it though. But most vegans, for absolutely no reason, will just be a pain in the ass.
Some guy: Ay bro, want to go grab a burger?
Vegan 1: Nah man, I'm vegan, but do they have those vegan burgers?
Some guy: They do.
Vegan 1: Aight bet.

Some guy: Want to grab a burger?
Vegan 2: *inhales* NoOoOOoOooO! WhY ArE yOU doIng ThaT tO tHe PoOR coWs tHEy NevEr DeSeReved iT oH mY gOd whY arE yOu dOinG tHis yOu SaTaniC fUCk yOu aRe GoIng tO HeLL foR wHAt yOu dO tO thoSe PiGS whO hAd nO ChanCE AT DefENDiNg theMselVeS dO yOu reAlize tHe damAge yOu aRe caUsiNg yOu ArE evErytHinG tHAt Is WrOng wIth thIS woRLd deAR GoD heLp mE foRgiVE tHiS wRetchED sOuL LeT he bE DamnEd bY tHE deViL
by an existant of this planet February 16, 2021
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The reason humans are still alive. World's Best Game, hands down. Doesn't even matter if you have bedrock or java this game is underrated.
Random six year old- Fortnite is the best game ever! Minecraft sucks!

me- *casually approaches child*
by an existant of this planet November 18, 2020
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A game of many kinds of people.

The people that dress like fruits.

The people who try making a name like "I told u I"

The horny little shits who name themselves "step sis" or "hxrny boy" or "cute girl" or "im single"

The person named imposter

The discord cheats who name themselves Hi and Hi 1.

The person fucking literally named nothing, and says nothing the whole fucking game

The guy who speaks another language and is stupid enough to not change the region or chat language

The guy who really tries to troll and says its me, i'm the imposter

The guy you trust for like 5 games straight because you were both crewmates and then he kills you

The salty little shits who ban you after winning the game

The simps, who keep saying gross shit in the chat.

The simps who are bigger shitheads that ban you for calling them simps.

The little shits who ban you for roasting them

The little shits who ban you for exposing their cheating

The kid who bans you the second you join the game

The dumbass who kicks you and when you rejoin they call you a hacker

The sellout imposter who gives away the other imposter

The 10000000 IQ guy who understands the Polus Map

People who name themselves after their hats
Among Us, the game with a bunch of colored pills running around , with one of them killing other pills
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why in the living fuck is Moto Moto in the example pictures
by an existant of this planet January 20, 2021
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