A word used by chavs to refer to trainers they think are stylish. Ironically, any trainers you see being referred to as creps are most likely hideously uncool because it means that chavs like them.
"blud just bought a some of fresh Adidas creps"

"Fuck off, chav scum"
by iamthedog February 3, 2012
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'go get some new creps be4 u even tink bout speakin to me danz'

'i think i will go and have a crep now'
by dedbled January 1, 2004
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Acronym - Community Renewable Electricity Project. A project designed to generate electricity from renewable energy resources, like solar (PV), wind (wind turbines/farms) and hydroelectric power. Communities operate, run, develop, initiate or fund these projects.
Government and local authorities should encourage us to CREP.

CREPPING is a great way of achieving our CO2 targets.
by DHCEP February 27, 2013
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A pair of jeans that sit on top of high top trainers piling up.
"dude check out that guy's jeans."

"yeah man total crep pilers"
by Biffy27 December 13, 2009
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New shoes
Often used by roadmen in London and the south east of england
by Teranoia June 25, 2018
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refers to how one walks when trying to avoid creasing their shoes.
that nigga rawson crep steppin”
by oldmansack6085 August 19, 2022
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