Friend 1: Dude you see that guy he’s got a piece of Caca in his hand.

Friend 2: ew wtf
by BigCacaMaster69 May 10, 2020
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1. A spanish word used to describe crap.
2. Also used by hispanics when a word does not come to mind.
This drawing looks like caca.
Dad, it's a boustiE... its a boostiCACA.
by liltexangurl August 16, 2003
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To be absolutely bladdered.

Usually on Giro Day when the Spar has had a delivery of White Lightning.
'How much did you have to drink last night?'
'I bought a copy of Mein Kampf on Amazon and shared the screenshot with my address on it to try and get sucked off by a Scottish Nazi bird.'
'Fuck me, you must have been absolutely caca.'
by Andy Farr April 25, 2019
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Caca is a derogatory word used to describe Lady Gaga. The orginal meaning for the word caca is faecal matter. So you can understand why it could be classed as offensive.
Bitch please, no one listens to Caca anymore!
by MrSaxobeat August 6, 2011
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Basically a word that means shit I think it’s spanish
Doesn’t smell like caca to me señor
by Rainelle January 13, 2018
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A piece of hot poop, crap, or s*#t. A huge crap.
Oh man, I just took a huge caca.
Caca on that! (same effect as "Screw that!")
What! Someone just caca'd all over the bathroom.
It smells like total caca!
by brian ledsinger February 13, 2008
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