n. An outspoken, irrational person with deeply-held, nominally conservative, political views. A person who chooses on principle to be flagrantly ignorant. A "right-wing nut".
Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and Fred Phelps are examples of the wingnut element in modern America.
by Carl Willis February 18, 2006
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Erect and highly visible nipples underneath clothing. See also peanut smuggling
Jeez! She's got some wingnuts on her!
by Dark 1 January 10, 2004
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A person holding political views that the user of the word finds to be extreme, most often extremely conservative. Often combined with freeper to form the term "freeper wingnut."
The wingnuts on your block must have had a fit when you put that anti-war bumper sticker on your car.
by Doctor Whom May 23, 2005
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A well known clan around the world, mostly known for their great content and funny moments. With popular members like Faze JohnnyBoi, Mingo, TTV Ronin, FarnivalCish and, Rastastical also known as SomeNormalArtist.
Ayo have you seen the new WingNut video?”
by ActuallyMingo November 21, 2020
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A northern Ohio and surrounding areas gang of squatters, drug addicts, train hoppers, and all-around tough motherfuckers. Will fuck you up without a second thought if necessary, but will have your back and get you shitty in your hour(s) of need. Named after the ridiculous amount of wingnuts found in the first factory they squatted in Cleveland.

In summation: Go to Cleveland, find these bastards, pull them out of whatever hole they're doing drugs in, make them take you to their squat, and have your back covered for life.
No bandanas, no color codes, and we wont "holla at yo boy." Every race, every color, we want more than to destroy. Peace, unity, love and respect, you heard it all before. We're different 'cause we mean it, it's something you can't ignore. Don't fuck with us 'cause were pro, you're up against NE Ohio - Wingnut's all we know
by doksa July 11, 2008
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