A worthless and obnoxious person. A "Dick Weed" is similar to a "Dick Head."
This was a common phrase in Southern Californian surf culture in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
I am so sick of that dick weed bossing me around.
by Ian De La Rosa June 18, 2013
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1.) An intensely stupid person.
2.) A rare breed of plant
Careful not to mix the dick weed with the pussy willows, or you'll get a whole lot of CUM-kwat!!
by PamieLynne May 18, 2005
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Any person usually a male who insist in makein his presence known where ever he goes usually resulting in everyone think hes a complete douchebag.
Dickweed: wow im the best beer pong player ever

Group: wow this fuckin kids a god damn dick weed.
by jr3117 September 8, 2006
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A weed that grows when the wind blows. Usually grown in the southern states, it has been known to grow well north of New Jersey. Dick weed spreads very easily from area to area, and can grow to huge sizes. It is best not to plant Dick Weed to close to Pussy Willows, otherwise you may get a crop of cumquats.
Did you see the size of that Dick Weed? Man is this place full of Dick Weed's.
by G Man 79 January 29, 2007
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a person who thinks he is the best but is actually a real dumbass shitface pole-up-ur-ass who for some reason everybody still seems to think is cool
this kid came to our school who i cant stand.. his name is Dick Weed
by fcm09 August 1, 2009
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That girl has a dick weed in her tooth, Dick Weed!
by jay wood December 22, 2005
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A weed that grows only in the lawns of dicks. This weed often looks much like a dick, and often by far outgrows the dick of the dick who owns the lawn.
Jim has been a dick lately, Jim's lawn is growing a dick weed.
by YubYub October 28, 2006
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