“hey did u hear about that new song”
“yea tbs it sucked donkey butt..”
by spacec00wboy June 18, 2021
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TB technically means "teeny bopper". This term refers to not only girls but the male gender also. It refers to kids who are immature and have no common sense or maturity. They also type like this "HeYoOoOSHieszz" They tie their hair up in a way which only little kids tie their hair, and wear clothes which are out of taste.
"Look at those TBs, think they're so cool"
by Karenaz0rs September 28, 2006
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TB is an abbreviation of Terabyte, a unit of measurement for data storage capacity.

1TB = 1,000GB = 1,000,000MB = 1,000,000,000kB = 1,000,000,000,000bytes
1 byte = 8 Bits
1 Bit = 0 or 1
1 byte has 256 diffent states
Dave has 1 TB porn on his HDD.
by Martinger2775 May 14, 2007
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TB is a TomBoy who has a gold heart, a courage & open mind, lives in their "own" cave & has all these crazy theories that cause their own selves headaches! TB also is someone with amazing cooking ability & huge creativity. TB writes the best pieces of poem or story and finds painting so relaxing. TB may also like Jazz music but is also mostly interested in natural sounds like rain & forest and some instrumental music. TB is a person that loves K-POP & things related to Korea & also you may find them growing interest towards Japan. TB is a loner who doesn't easily let anyone in the depth of their life & heart but when they do, you stick there for a lifetime. TB usually forgets about things but watch out cause sometimes you may be surprised at how they remember some details. TB loves to walk, run, play with a ball and do any sort of exercise. TB tends to wake up early in the morning & have glasses of self-made recipe coffee. TB likes 13 & walking under the rain with no umbrella, also TB loves all shades of green, black, gray, and sometimes blue. TB would love to eat noodles and sea food. TB is such a book worm & watches lots of movies and series and animes. In short, TB is The Best person you can have around in the world, is super protective, has a sexy~ cozy smell, cares about what you like, has the strongest safest arms, works hard & makes dreams come true. yes everyone, that's the definition of TB.
-"TB!! I Love You.."
-" :')..."
by adminsflow March 4, 2021
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Means to Toke Buds; or smoke marijuana.
We're going to TB this weekend.
by HerpityDerpityDerpDerp November 3, 2010
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#TBS, For when a fraternity brother has your back and earns the status of a true brother. This can mean they helped you out when you were in some kind of need.
by RX_King May 21, 2015
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