1. A cocaine driven music artist
2. Dave Chappelle
"I'm Rick James Bitch"
"Chalie Murphy....Unity"
"Fuck yo coach nigga"
"Cocaine's a hell of a drug"
by Midnight November 30, 2004
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Attempting to force your way onto people; women in particular. Rick James is notoriously known for his sexual escapades and overall personality, therefore it goes without explanation that the man was slightly out of his mind. The difference between Rick James and other people is that Mr. James was naturally the way he was, normal people become Rick James after a few drinks.
by wand September 2, 2007
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It's a celebration bitches!!

They should neva gave you niggas monay!!
by s.b. May 25, 2004
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A popular singer known for his its like "Mary Jane" "superfreak" "Ebony ayes"
was brought back into mainstream conciousness after being portrayed by -Dave chappelle-
common(aka common sense): Why aint Rick James aint remembered for Classic Hits...Why do remember Rick for smackin a Bitch?"
by kow_heman May 22, 2005
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One of the baddest and best-looking motherfuckers of all time. A guy whose drink every bitch should hold at least once in her life. A Cocaine-sniffing, Charlie Murphy slapping, slap bass playing, 80s superfreak who used to go to clubs and approached females and would lick the whole side of their faces.

A mad-niggerish dude who wished he had more hands so he could give all of your titties four thumbs down. That would be "cold-blooded"!!!!!
To Kevin, Wim and Christian: "I'm Rick James, bitches. It's Friday, it's a celebration bitches." Bang Bang !!! Bang Bang!!!
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verb; to furiously and vigorously rub your dirty feet on a friends pillow, couch, or other sacred material posession.
"Dude, you left your pillow on the couch again so I had to rick james the shit out of it with my muddy work boots. Put your shit away from now on."

by sowie1919 October 30, 2007
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When a woman won't let you cum in her mouth so you ejaculate on your hand then smack the her in the face and saying "i'm rick james bitch!"
Ashileena would never swallow til i rick james that bitch.
by shadee0ne April 14, 2009
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