Blonde haire blue eyed BB gun craving ass-clown from movie A Christmas Story
by SmackHead April 28, 2003
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Having your girlfriend or wife fuck you in the ass with a dildo while telling you to "take it bitch.". A la Ralphie in the Sopranos.
Alice like to Ralphie her boyfriend when he asked for it.
by TAC April 28, 2003
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A hand guesture given when benny's cut you off while driving with your thumb placed underneath your other fingers but all tips of fingers touching.
"That benny cut me off so I gave him the ralphie!"
by JLab May 22, 2008
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ur such a ralphy!!
shut ur pie hole ralphy!!
by emily and claire May 2, 2004
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why is that ralphie chillen on the corner..its 2am?

im gonna name my ralphie d'brickashaw
by eddie gee November 20, 2011
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A term commonly used in the Caribbean for a (cocka)roach.
"Girl, yuh does keep de place so nasty. All dese Ralphies dem..."
by redgyul September 22, 2004
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see "jangler". intent on maintaining bevy of at least 3 beautiful babies who he "really connects with and isn't in love with", and who are on no account to be slutted by others with bigger t-shirts than his tuna-reared self.
by rayffee October 4, 2003
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