a pharse you use when you are talking to a loved one or a lover.

orginally from adina wagner.
by haley August 14, 2004
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Little pink cartoon dog that no one remembers but me
by Anonymous October 17, 2003
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A new permanent character added to a TV show as an attempted improvement, which ends up backfiring by changing the chemistry of the show altogether and destroying whatever momentum the show already had.

Polar opposite of an Urkel (where a terminally ill show was revived by adding the new character).
Giggle and Hoot (Australian Childrens TV show on ABC) were a perfectly functional TV team presenting a "wrapper show" (i.e. wrapped around short kids shows). The chemistry between Jimmy Giggle (cool guy) and Hoot (owl puppet) was great until ABC felt they had to add a female counterpart, "Hootabelle". Chemistry gone. Dynamic duo no longer dynamic.

The Big Bang Theory started with outstanding chemistry by juxtaposing four awkward nerds with one hot female neighbour. Two key elements were Howard's sleaziness (thinking of himself as successful with the ladies but ultimately failing repeatedly) and Sheldon's uniqueness (no further description required). This show was running hot - and yet the writers added not one but TWO Poochies - Bernadette (now Howard's fiancee) totally neutralises the failed Casanova element that made Howard funny, and then Amy Farrah Fowler comes along as a "female version of Sheldon", removing all that was unique and hilarious about the show's strongest character. Series 4 and 5 TBBT are materially different from the earlier episodes that made this show a world-beater.
by sr76 March 9, 2012
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A word that describes a rank smell. Stale garbage, ass, or anything rotting. pooh-chee
While grabbing one's nose with a look of dismell or disgust blurt "poochie" in the same tone as yummmmm-eee, your tone rises and then drops.
by Master of pooch September 3, 2005
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The crotch area of old women that wear mom jeans, and looks like they have a big sack, a pouch filled with God knows what, or a butt in front.
Joe "Why is your ass on the wrong side?"
Barbara "Oh, this? This is just my poochie."
by Brandon Pooch Lover December 8, 2009
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The act of reaching an entirely new level, beyond that of cool. Usually used as an adjective.
Laura: Hey Ray

Ray: Hey Laura! Is that a new shirt?
Laura: Just got it yesterday.
Ray: It's veery poochie.
by poochieboy July 31, 2010
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Something being overly in-your-face and badly targeted to an audience in a failed attempt to be seen as cool, current and/or modern. The word comes from the character Poochie from The Simpsons.
The poochieness of this ad makes it suck.
by jazz biscuit March 18, 2008
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