1. When a woman's period begins at an inopportune time.

2. When a woman's period blood comes out all clotted and chunky, and a man observes it.

3. When a woman's vagina bleeds, and somehow the blood gets on your mother.
1. I was going down on that bitch when suddenly instead of pussy juices, blood started gushing all over my face giving me a clown moustache. That's some unfortunate menses.

2. That meatball stew was some unfortunate menses.

3. My mother hates unfortunate menses, but your mom loves it.
by scorpionmintred December 28, 2004
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The fertility-cycle-based intentions driving a woman's actions.

Often used to second-guess or disregard feminine figures and their points of view.
"We can't have a woman as President of the United States! Her menses rea would get us into World War III!"

"She was acting hysterical over the smallest things...must've been consumed by menses rea."
by jaques_custodian April 24, 2020
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A female who complains, whines, bitches, or rants via online media such as twitter, facebook, text message, or email as if she was on her period.
"Dude, did you see Pam's facebook status? Total E-menses"
by BigNeekFreshRelK April 30, 2010
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1. When a man is a fiend for having sex whilst the woman is on the rag, but cannot find himself a menstruating woman, he secretly squirts ketchup into the woman's vaginal canal before sex.

2. When a man's girlfriend is not on the pill, and he wants to cum inside her when she isn't actually on the rag. He secretly squirts ketchup inside her vaginal canal whilst she sleeps so she wakes up thinking she has her period.
Woman: "My entire reproductive tract is ruined from poor man's menses".

- or -

Woman: "I don't know how I keep getting pregnant while I'm on the rag!"
Man: "Maybe it's all the poor man's menses I've been squirting inside you?"

- or -

Abortionist: "What the hell is that??"
Woman: "Poor man's menses and a week-old fetus?"

- or -

OBGYN: "What the hell is that?"
Woman: "I don't know, but it goes great with french fries!"

- or -

OBGYN: "Damn, this goes well with french fries!"
by scorpionmintred December 28, 2004
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A word typically used to describe a woman acting crazy or unstable in any sort of fashion
Hey man did you see that mense freak out Sarah had last night?
by Pdido11 December 7, 2020
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ppl that aire h0es with
silver: guys pls stop saying MENSES - YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS
aire: anyway i gotta go on a date with this menses who plays league
by im not aire September 4, 2023
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when two people have sex and the woman finds out she's on her period, but it's too late
uhhhh, damn't i got late menses
by johny letter December 8, 2015
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