Local to those from Hayes (London) and is when somebody has zero bants or self-dignity and is an embarrassment to themselves.
For fuck sake Kipper that’s awful
by BoxparkBro October 20, 2019
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An act of sabotage, commonly as a practical joke and mischievous rather than malicious in nature. Originating from the practice of placing a kipper in a hot place such as, a car's exhaust manifold to create a bad smell.
"I bet John will be half way up the M1 before he realises he's been kippered".
by Purley Squire August 5, 2013
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1)A 'Smoked' Haddock or Herring (Smokie) Popular in The UK
2)Somone who is deemed untrustworthy and cowardly,ie Two Faced and Gutless.

''I had Kippers for breakfast,mmm lovely''
All Polititians are Kippers!

by Kirk Rules February 15, 2006
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Commonly used in Glasgow; to kipper someone is to call on them or try to gain their attention and then deliberately ignore them once they react to your request.
Kippered that cunt a belter man

Kippered a dullyin.
by Bar-L Young Team October 22, 2004
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1. a fish split from the skin, salted dried and smoked.

2. to split a fish and continue to salt, dry and smoke.
1. Child: May I have some more kippers, mum?

2: Fisherman: We're gonna need to kipper that fish something proper before we serve it to our girls.
by Fishermanz0rz August 6, 2008
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The nickname for Miikka Kiprusoff;
The best god damn hockey goalie ever
Kipper saved 46 shot for a shutout tonight
by JayL January 14, 2006
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1. A nickname used to denote the very meaning of cool
2. A state of awesomeness
Hey Kipper, when did you become so badass?
She sure is kipper today.
by Sharkman6684 January 6, 2009
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