a hot guy is a guy who has a sweet personality a nice smile and dosent cheat and also dose extreme sports
by lindsay June 20, 2004
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sum1 like arjun, who looks good and is really sweet. often hot guys are tanned, muscled and damn sexy!!! (that dude isnt that perfect)
oh my god, he is like totally hot!!!
by HI!°~* March 15, 2004
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a guy with long hair, eyeliner, and skinny jeans often called emo butt labels are for fags
for an example he looks like andy sixx, oli sykes, pete wentz,
emo=hot guy
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Hot guys are so attractive. They always go after girls named Skye and girls named Cassidy. Hot guys usually go for hot girls so usually Skyes or Cassidys. Brunettes and blondes can both be as hot and they are. Hot guys are usually athletic, because most have a nice bod.
HOT GUYS: usually: dylans, jacks, tysons, reggies, brads, brodys, nicks, and mikes
"Thats Skye and Cassidy"
"I know everyone wants them!"
"I'm gonna go talk to them!"
"Good luck man, they're so effin hot"

Skye and Cassidy were surrounded by a pack of HOT GUYS.
by jleaf458 August 24, 2009
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Hot Guy Winter is said by thugs who are just tryna have a fun winter. Nothing impedes in a mans hot Guy winter, not even women. No sadness whatsoever because it’s hot Guy winter, we do what we want. #hot guy winter
- Chris and his girl broke up
- Oh that doesn’t matter it’s hot Guy winter he’s fine
by Rylooooo August 12, 2019
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When a girl is so physically attracted to a guy that her heart stops for 3.7 seconds, her lungs begin to abruptly function incorrectly, she can't think straight, walk right, stand up, and then she feels like crying because of the face that boy has engraved in her heart (as well as that body my god daddy)
"He is so ugh I think I just caught hot guy syndrome!"
by Wellyah July 1, 2014
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the 4 J’s starting on June 20th are gonna get redemption for June 18th (hot girl summer) and will be bagging as many hoes as possible.
i’ll just keep ignoring you then, i just gotta focus on Hot guy summer.
by Frr-accountant June 18, 2020
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