(n) a trashy or otherwise skanky woman of promiscuous nature. Similar to whore, but not also a profession.
Day-um, dat hootie got booty fo' life!
by $3 October 8, 2015
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Adjective, used to describe situations, places, people and so on which are likely to provoke amusement and excitement. Derives from the joyful hooting that will arise.
"That new film looks pretty hooty."
by Kilkrazy July 1, 2004
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Generalized term for any given item or body part
Shut the hell up or I will kick you in the hootis!
by donkeypunchyou November 9, 2008
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The act of being a asshole while intoxicated.
Nick was so fucking Hootie last night no more alcohol in the house!
by Niknobelico94 February 11, 2019
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Being as it is a nonsensical word, when used, it mostly means nonsense. Or inebriated fuckery, mostly skante related.
*See's a tweaker digging through a carwash trashcan at 2:47 AM*
Josh: Hootie
by StonedxReaper June 19, 2021
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the quality of being a 'hoot'
Where do you think I got my hootiness from Megan? I got it from my mum
by meganwaswrong August 17, 2020
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