Usually describes people who like to have things all to themselves. Those people can also be called selfish. Greedy is sometimes used as a stereotype for Jews.
Nick: I want all the money in the world!
Jack: Dude, thats really greedy. No wonder you're Jewish.
Nick: That's a stereotype.
Jack: Apparently it's a GOOD stereotype.
by Yazamin November 27, 2009
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A slang term that is used to describe the severity of something. It can be used positively or negatively.
Ex: She lives over there? Dont go by yourself, that neighborhood is greedy.
Ex: Person 1: Did you see the shoes I wore to the party last week? Person 2: Yeh, I liked those, they were greedy.
by ArnoldsMind August 30, 2015
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A woman who has the look that shes always up for a bit of jiggery pokery (sex), basically she looks like filth.
She's so greedy she had the whole footy team
by sellers April 10, 2005
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(slang) (adj) Greedy is a slang term used primarily by girls to describe rivals to their potential mates. It is most commonly used as a mild racial slur, but can extend into other meanings as well.

For example, a black woman would label a white woman who dates primarily black men as greedy. Basically implying that the white girl is not satisfied with the over-abundance of potential white suitors at her disposal, and has begun dating black men when she really has no reason to.

Again, a straight woman might label a lesbian or bisexual woman as greedy, if she catches said woman dating a man she finds attractive.

This term might also be applied to a gay man, if his current boyfriend is bisexual, and extremely attractive Though this usage is rare.

(n) Greedy is also a sexual orientation. (see bisexual)

(adj)Somebody who is rarely satisfied with what they already have.

Latina1: What is Mary doing all over Hector?
Latina2: That slut is so greedy. Why can't she leave our men alone?

Girl1: Isn't Stacie a dyke? Why is she going to prom with Derek? What is her problem?
Girl2: She is just plain greedy, that's what her problem is.

Woman: Raoul, Why can't you leave Andrew alone and find yourself a real homo? Stop being so greedy!!


Girl: So, are you gay or straight?
Guy: Neither, I'm greedy.


Boy: Porky is so greedy. He ate half of that pizza all by himself. I didn't even get a single slice.
by Dusk Soldier May 19, 2007
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To Want Both sexes as opposed to just male or Femal, Bisexual.
I thought everyone knew angelina jolie was greedy, she likes the fellas' and the ladies.
by [TCWG] September 30, 2006
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