a derogatory term for an italian

also see worditalian/word
by Joe February 12, 2003
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is a beautiful human being. PERIOD She is small but feisty and will make you know what she thinks about a topic.
by WaterSlug September 23, 2019
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A likeable female that is caring and kind-hearted with a goofy streak only her friends really understand. Often thought to be quiet and slightly reserved but really quite the opposite. She will often stress about things she doesn't need to. she loves to be around her friends but isn't that good at making them. She can also get jealous easily. She can be very clingy but always loves to party. She knows everyone's juiciest gossip and is the girl you want to invite to a party. She needs the most support she needs and needs to be supported no matter what. If someone is lucky enough to be in a relation ship you'll need to be with her 24/7 because of her jealously and clinginess. She is also very strong and independent.
person 1: sorry I can't go Ginny is being clingy again.
person 2: I wish I was in a relationship with someone who loves me like Ginny.
person 1: yeah she's great.
by Helen._.Jim... September 25, 2021
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hilarious awesomest funniest pyroest person allive i love her to death even when she trys to light your bcak yard on fire yo still gotta love her she can always cheer you up no matter what happens always stays by your side love her till the end of time!
aww shes just like ginny! be careful dont give a ginny a lighter!
by taylor howard <333 January 31, 2009
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my name. short for virginia, like the state. pronounced like gin.

also the name of that chick frm harry potter. (i was first)
and this old doll they had before barbie.
"hey im ginny"-chick
"like the harry potter chick?"-guy
"pshh no shes a bitch."-chick

by ginny owayday February 11, 2008
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A man who gives up cocaine and crime to follow his dream of becoming a dishwasher to earn money so he can visit cuba.
by pussycat tony ctge April 7, 2011
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