An unusually large penis.
Person 1: "Hey man, why do they call it 'BIGDICKRICNETWORK'?"
Person 2: "It's because he got that big ol' donkey dick!"
by BDRNETWORK December 12, 2022
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Army slang for a removable, bendable metal spout used to pour gas from USGI jerry cans
"Hey Sergeant, toss me that donkey dick, willya? I gotta tap this can so I can fill up the Humvee."
by Bullzeye December 26, 2003
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1. An abnormaly large penis.
2. Derogatory word - used as a adjective.
1. "Damn! That guy has a fuckin' donkey dick!!!"

2. "Man that show was donkey dick"
by Danno April 1, 2005
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A dick that is extremly floppy and long, often has trouble getting erect and may need to use viagra. If erection lasts longer than 4 hours after taking the viarga pill, you need to seek major medical attetion
Dude, you have a "donkey dick"
by Mic August 5, 2004
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a penis large enough to could hurt someone, not only during the act of sexual intercourse, but also by slapping it across some shylock's face
"donkey dicks waver in the summer breeze"

"ouch, my shylock face was just thwacked by a wavering donkey dick!"

"my penis is the size of the eiffel tower...i shall name it, Sir Donkey Dick"
by Gnome November 21, 2005
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A large and powerful cigar such as a Montecristo 'A' or a Sancho Panza Sancho.
"Honey, you don't mind if I fire up this donkey dick, do ya?"
by Paytheline May 15, 2007
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a term used to describe the sexual organs of an impressive male.

also, a sourthern english dialect for the common household carrot .
wow, he really is a donkey dick!


cor, no wonder this soup tastes so good, its full of donkey dick!
by andyt December 8, 2005
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