when two prepubescent homosexuals are too pussy to but fuck so they rub dicks in a tent whilst a red head is awkwardly trying to ignore in the back ground
"dude did you hear about kev and tom chub rubbing" "yeah bro i bet that red head shaemus felt awkward"
by snorlaxtheweaboopussyslayah69 February 12, 2017
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Getting a handjob while not being fully erect
Duuude Cindy gave me a chub rub after the party
by Foiegras4lyfe February 9, 2015
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When you get sweat between your butt cheecks and it starts to chaffe and sting.
Ah, Gawd! I got total chub-rub! Arrgggh!
by Cambolagna September 10, 2004
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The rash like symptom that forms between a FAT GURLs legs that result from the friction that occurs because of the constant rubbing of the FAT GURLS legs.
" GURL u need to lose some wait, all that chub rub is making ur thighs bleed"
by meno5960 October 19, 2009
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Another term for a semi-boner

When a mans penis is hard but not erect
Johnathan noticed he had a chub rub while skype calling his girlfriend.
by Johnathan's girlfriend August 2, 2018
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