A lush expanse of hair covering the vulva, meant to be munched upon and not shaven.
"Mmmm, check out that carpet, I wish I was eating some of *that*!"
by KCtah October 26, 2003
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When you get so high that all you do is lay on the floor "to help the carpet do its job because it's always working overtime"
Jon: I don't think I was THAT high...
Bryan: Dude, you were upstairs carpeting for like six hours.

Jon: Okay, maybe it was a little too much LSD.
by Saaame June 18, 2017
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A person who gets walked on and used day after day
Wow thanks now I feel like a carpet.
by Thecarpet March 29, 2019
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A Carpeteer is a girl or woman who eats at anothers sushi bar AKA (vagina or pussy)

Note: a bit of a classy lady
by -cM June 18, 2007
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Joe: "Dude, Daniel is such a carpet!
Steven: "Yeah, right man!"
by SlaviaRoznic1211 January 23, 2021
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1. A very hairy Vagina that needs shaving.
Man that chick has a nasty carpet. Someone send her a Mach 3 for Christmas.
by BillyGoat November 15, 2002
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Creature, usually of the canine variety, who sits on the back seat of the vehicle travelling in front of you with his head sticking out of the window so that his dribble gets blown onto your windscreen.

Specially cultivated at factories owned by Ford and given away to every 100th buyer.
SPECIAL SALE!! Free carpet with all new models sold today!
by Eric The Read September 9, 2010
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