The word “bunt” is composed from two words being “cunt” and “belly”. A bunt is when a female of larger weight bears a vagina that is stretched and menuevered to a position that makes it appear as if it were on there belly. This usually occurs after the person of larger weight has birth.
“Yo lol man, that fat bitch has a bunt
“Bro, she’s gonna suffocate you with her bunt”
by Zultar March 3, 2019
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When a guy takes his cock and whacks it against a girls tits extremely hard such that makes little red marks on her tits. An expert bunter can make little patterns on the girls tits such as checkers or tic-tac-toe
"Dude, I totally bunted her last night."

"How was it"

"Well, she didnt support the Jewish Nose design on her tits"
by S.P. ermin hermin G. October 27, 2011
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When a girl undoes her own bra to help a guy advance to second base.
I needed to score, but was going to be stranded at first base, until she bunted. Thank goodness, because the defense wasn't giving up any hits.
by never hit a double June 26, 2010
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The area just above the vagina when it sticks out as far as the but. (But and cunt combined) Larger than a gunt (gut and cunt combined)which is the same but not as pronounced.
She is sporting a mean bunt. Her cunt sticks out as far as her ass does. She has a bunt.
by Scott Boyer June 28, 2005
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Noun - A combination of the words 'belly' and 'cunt'. A grotesquely bulbouse area below a womans belly button and above her vagina opening. When wearing pants, the area appears to resemble a blowfish. This woman is usually considered unfuckable.
"I bet that fat chick can't even see her own pussy with that huge bunt in the way."
by JimmiDigital January 27, 2003
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A boy's cunt; another word to describe a bussy (a boy pussy).
Dude, I fucked Bryan's bunt so hard last night, he couldn't walk the next day!
by collectmms January 22, 2021
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(noun)A word used instead of money, dollars or mulah. Bunts is rhyming slang derived from a David Brent quote'Bunsen burner, nice little earner' while stroking finger against thumb!
Often confused with bonce if one has picks!!!
Kevin said after describing his new money making plan to his friend 'Just think of the bunts!!!
by Str8bian January 10, 2006
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