Annah Abdul goes to Haydon School, she carries a bomb in her headscarf and will DETONATE one day! She is a very scary thing. We must unite and throw pork at her and her scumbag Isis family !
Omg! It’s Annah Abdul! Run if you want to keep your head! *detonates*
by DefoKid2012 November 7, 2019
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A classic character. The sunshine to life. Not to be mistaken for a best friend, more of a classroom acquittance. Spends a lot of time in bubblewrap and playgrounds. Enjoys top buttons being correctly fatsened. Doesn't like eating away from home.
That Annah has hair like a heffalump.
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a really fun person to talk to, someone you look forward to texting and being around
annah is a dogzai kinnie lol
by pregdogzaicestt July 15, 2021
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From the Greek, "Annahkah," Annah is defined as, "herder of goats." The name is exclusively given to people from North Dakota.
"Annah! I heard your miniature goat found a mate. Congrats!"
by jizzpurr August 17, 2018
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A really pretty, sexy, amazing girl who everyone wants to be like. She's very athletic and also very tan.
God that annah-claire is a baller, I can't believe I got to be near that.
by imalwaysright23 April 10, 2011
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An amazing girl that is pure inside and out. She is th kind of person that always makes you smile, even on a bad day. She lights up a room when she walks and makes everyone look. She is the most amazing person in the world. When you hold her hand you don’t worry about anything else in the world. When she hugs you she makes you feel special.
by Ew2003 January 3, 2018
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A short girl with no hair, a big forehead, mannequin toes, and a bright personality.
by annahbrooke June 22, 2017
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