a fool that like to be seen and heard,pushy foul mouth fool that have nothing to say,blow hard,waste of hot air
gimmy that damn mickidy
by Anonymous October 17, 2003
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one who has sex with dumbass white boy and don't remember afterword
Nick is such a cracker-jacker
-I hate his dumbass self!
by Nickhater January 17, 2005
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The person at the back of a long grocery line who jumps in front of everyone as a new check out lane is opened up.
Dude, he's only been waiting for like one minute. I can't believe he just jumped into that new lane.

He's a total grocery line jacker. It's not a race, buddy.
by Shumado May 12, 2011
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meaning a little bitch tyring to steal your man
Look that bitch trying to kiss my boyfriend that little dick jacker!!!
by Tamizzy June 28, 2010
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Someone who is so obsessed with "weiner pockets",that they take asprin and jack peoples crackers.

your mother is a asprin cracker jacker.
by Chris Garn, Al Herr September 26, 2007
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A long piece of soft cloth (about 3ft or 100cm) with four or five knots tied at even intervals along it. .... is placed between the legs and the ends held in each hand, one in front and one behind, as if being straddled (usually with your clothes still on).
To use: The rear hand is lowered as the front hand is lifted and vice versa. Repeat this action; causing the Pooknuckle Holejacker to move between your legs, while the knots are bumping you.

This may or may not be a good thing.

Therefore, this word may be used to describe a bumpy ride, a rough person or a really horny person.
Person 1: Hey - have you seen my Poo-knuckle Hole-jacker
Person 2: Yeah, you left it on the bathroom floor.
Person 1: Oh, thanks .. .. .. .. You didn't use it did you?
Person 2: No way! I have my own Pooknuckle Holejacker.

OMG that road was so bumpy! I wont be needing my Pooknuckle Holejacker tonight!

That guy is a roughbastard, what a Pooknuckle Holejacker!

My boyfriend is so horny! He's like a Pooknuckle Holejacker on steriods. Yay!
by ozelement October 16, 2010
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Term to define the males undergarments that would typically lift the testicles or gonads. The more effective type are defined as a jock strap
I had a great pair of lower decker knacker jackers on.

His lower decker knacker jackers chaffed his nuts.
by baabaam May 14, 2022
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