Character Kill - Formally used it MMORPG games

The player would have their account blocked and they would have to make a new one.

Johnny got CK'ed, but don't worry he is on a new account called Asshole
by RyuuYasui January 26, 2013
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the opposite of an ick, something that you like for a random reason
that movie gave me such a ck
by garlicgarfield January 23, 2023
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Ck = Cook Islands 🇨🇰
I went to Ck for holiday
by The Smol And Short Jelly June 10, 2022
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A CK means to snort a line of Cocaine and Ketamine all mixed up in one big line. A pretty dangerous and not recommended cocktail as Cocaine is a stimulant and Ketamine is a dissociative.
"Met a guy the other day who did a CK line and 10 mins later ended up riding a bike into the side of a fuckin coffee shop!"
by J to the K47 February 23, 2021
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Coke/Ketamine. Basically two of the vilest, most disgusting drugs in existence mixed together and snorted as one line. Neither drug is particularly great by itself, and combined they will fuck you up beyond all recognition. Do not do it.
Dave just did a line of CK... gross.
by PulpFictional February 9, 2010
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Basically what every car person calls a mustang. A Crowd Killer.
Person A:"Dude look the CK is about to do a burnout!"
Person B:" Awe shit better back up before I get ran over."
by Matayugumi July 10, 2018
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