3 definitions by Matayugumi

Basically what every car person calls a mustang. A Crowd Killer.
Person A:"Dude look the CK is about to do a burnout!"
Person B:" Awe shit better back up before I get ran over."
by Matayugumi July 10, 2018
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(Like an actual investment you can decide to drop out or stay in)
"This girl has no leaks from her site, guess it's time to make an investment fap."
by Matayugumi December 8, 2019
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The basic essentials to bring with you on your day. Keys, Wallet, and your Phone.
Friend before you both leave the house: "Did you Keywap?"
Me: "Keys..check. Wallet...check. Phone....check. Yeah bro let's head out."
by Matayugumi May 25, 2017
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