Actually the dictionary defines random as a thing done or said without thinking of the consequences and with no definite plan or pattern. This means that many of the things dissmissed as not being random within the 9 pages of its definition on this website, are in fact random. In fact those who believe in the theory of the big bang have to acknowledge a certain degree of randomness exists in everything that humans do, simply because there is no "definite plan" and we make our own decisions. Therefore, in the context of the universe, a man taking the train on his way to work in the morning can be seen as random. In the same way as university students deciding to go to a 24 hour tesco at 6am is random as it is a decision made without thinking of any consequences.
I am writing this definition without a definite plan and i am not thinking of any consequences as it is a decision i have made on the spot. Therefore, it is to a certain extent, random.
by nik86 December 23, 2005
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Someone of no real significance or importance in your life, who's just kind of there as part of the human population waiting to return to their nest. They could someday be important to you, but until then they are still just a randomer.
*You're opening a locker next to a randomer who is also opening his locker*
You: What's up.
Randomer: Hey, not much, you?
You: Nice, not much.
Randomer: Cool, later.
You: Later.
*You both leave the lockers and forget about each others' existence*
by subtalvik2 April 26, 2011
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Used after saying something random to show you're finished with the randomness.
Person: I totally don't know what to wear for the dance tomorow!
Person 2: I just ate a kiwi and it was nice./random
by Jedi Master Luna July 30, 2006
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Company name for an online speed dating website.
Jim met his girlfriend while speed dating on
by ReggieStyles April 12, 2008
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(Pronounced Ran - dom - may)

Randome is a term used to describe the random appearance of manga-inspired or manga art that would show up as a result of an unrelated Google Images search. Say, for instance, you googled 'Team Fortress 2'. Team Fortress 2 is a Hat Simulator that has no basis or any relativity with Japanese art whatsoever. However, anime-inspired images of the characters appear regardless. Same goes for just about anything else, including a search of the word 'survivalist'.

While techically considered manga, 'randome' is the more accepted term because it is easier to say and it is derived from the words 'random' and 'anime'.
On Google Images, search 'survivalist'.

Looks pretty normal to me.

Scroll down to the beginning of page 3.

There you go. Randome!
by Codybean1 November 21, 2011
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A software for a game that randomize its items, rewards and goals in order to make a fresh experience. It also comes with fixes and/or tweaks to make playing the same game faster such as removing cutscenes, text and fixing glitches caused by sequence breaking allowed by the software. "Rando" is Randomizer for short. When talking about "Randomizer", we also talk about "Seeds". "Seed" refers to a particular alphanumeric string that will create the same output everytime and is used in "rando" to talk about that particular randomization of the game.
Guy A: I played The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past randomizer today. The seed was terrible.
Guy B: What was wrong with that seed?
Guy A: It was a 'Ped' seed. Freaking 'Bombos' was on the 'Master Sword Pedestal' in order to access 'Red Pendant' 'Turtle Rock' for 'Pegasus Boots' to get the 'Big Key' on the torch in Ganon's Tower.
Guy B: Eww! I hate what randomizers do sometimes!
by TheGoodBeef30 November 18, 2018
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Complete unexpected wank that makes little sense
The cat sat on the mat

That Tree is Crazy

I'm a dog like phantom with 3 hairs on my head who likes bananas

Wheres my total guitar steve mags
by Fazza24 February 9, 2004
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