A guy/gal who steals openly, and plunders often with a crew aboard a ship. Very popular in the 17th century especially in the caribbean. Also a slang language known as "pirate language", which includes alot of old 17th century slang. Alot of modern words come from this slang aswell.
Henry Morgan was a pirate, and there you got your rum.
by KevTheDreaded May 25, 2005
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thieves of the sea. They have boats and rob yo ass!!
argh! i am jack sparrow and i am a pirate
by r-o-b August 17, 2006
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His behaviour towards her was piratical.
by Gina Dow August 10, 2006
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a guy with an eye patch, a peg leg and a talking parrot on his shoulder, and he says, "arrr" alot, he steals, plunders, and enjoys the merriment of booze and women.
The pirate drank his women and kissed his booze when he woke up.
by donjuandemarcopolo June 19, 2005
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a pirate is someone that has no greater religious law other than himself or what he already believes in... they are on the forfront of any great change for they have only themselves to relate the truth to
i was a prite. there was no one or bunch of people with a higher moral priciple or religious laws in my surroundings other than that which i alreay was and what i already believed in... so i became a pirate because (as the religion wouild say) I was the LORD
by angus david macfarlane May 25, 2007
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1. Very gay people
2. Someone who takes penis up the anus
3. Volleyball Players
4. A person who is gayer than all the rest
by Andrew Gehler September 23, 2007
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When you hit a cow at 70mph in your burgandy pearl
Shanty Moses my cars a write off....i just did a pirate!!!
by Johnny Goodtime December 8, 2007
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