Drew. Whatever. A self proclaimed mosher, one who says they mosh, but they dont really mosh. Like, if they have a shirt that says M*O*S*H (pertaining to old show, M*A*S*H) but really, is afraid of a little elbow jabbed in the throat. That is a Moosher.
Drew: "I love to mosh."
You: "Really, whats your worst mosh injury?"
Drew: "Uhm... I got a scab on my elbow when I tripped on a beer can."
You: "Have you ever actually moshed?"
You: "Loser.You're such a freaking MOOSHER!"
by Helsinki Macbeth August 31, 2006
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A tooshy-moosh (n.) is a person, male generally, who, by acting in a feminine, elaborate, fussy or flamboyant manner, is considered to be tooshy-mooshy (adj.) The term "tooshy-moosh" originated in the back alleys of Amarillo, Texas, and it was originally applied to homosexual males, or males with copious amounts of cologne and beauty products, or males who were hard to satisfy, or pacifist males. However, tooshy-moosh has developed into a broad term, often playful, to merely poke harmless fun at someone.

"Boy, you ain't nothin' but some yellow tooshy-moosh!" (n.)

"He's so worried, he's always just tooshy-mooshin'. (v.)

"That guy never fails to complain, he's tooshy-mooshy." (adj.)
by Paul the Lion July 9, 2006
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Pronounced: "Moo-shh Poot"

The worst smell you could ever imagine. Rank, death, sour, stank

Sometimes spelled like: Mosh Pit
"It smells like straight moosh poot. I'm about to throw up."

"Her breath smelled like moosh poot, so I had to dump her."
by justicee March 24, 2013
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The act of ingesting hydrocodone compounds and proceeding to have a consensual gay chat session with your friend, however neither of you are gay (potentially closeted though, or bi-curious).
I just got a new script of vicodin and I'm ready to Pap and Moosh with my friend.
by The Wax November 20, 2012
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An individual who makes all their emotions known through myspace
dickman is a moosh head
by johnno!! January 7, 2008
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The bodily fluid known as sperm, or cum before being exaculated.
"Baby the cage moosh is a knockin..."
by LaBomba August 13, 2005
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